15 Ways to Love Getting Older

I’ve got a milestone birthday coming up, so I’m feeling a bit retrospective. I find myself asking a lot of people what their favorite decade has been, or what they enjoy about getting older. Some of the answers actually make me look forward to aging. After spending the first 40+ years of our lives worrying about wrinkles and grey hairs, it might be nice to just relax and enjoy nature’s show. Or after years of stressing about relationships or what sort of career path we’re going to follow, it seems that as we get older these things have a way of working themselves out. So without further ado, here is LTC Consumer’s take on 15 ways to love getting older:

  • You’re no longer always in a hurry. So much our life is running from one activity to another, trying to get all of the things done. As you get older, there’s less rush.
  • Instead of raising your children, you get to observe them heading off into the world, chasing their dreams, and building their families. You watch the fruits of your parenting labor.
  • As you reach certain age milestones, you get sweet discounts! Restaurants, airlines, department stores, just ask and there’s probably a “senior” deal available.
  • When you get older, you have more time to enjoy your favorite hobbies. You can take that art class, build those model trains, or work in the garden. You finally have some time.
  • With age comes confidence! You care less about people’s opinions. Trends and “the latest” are no longer important. You know who you are and you’re not afraid to flaunt it.

“You realize the absolute privilege that it is to grow old. A lot of people don’t make it to the age you are now, or the age that you will be, so you’re thankful for each day.”

  • You’ve come to realize that looks aren’t everything. You do what you can to take care of yourself, but you’re no longer obsessive about every wrinkle and grey hair.
  • You appreciate how amazing and capable your body is. And you regret ever taking a healthy joint for granted! This body is beautiful, and you’re determined to take care of it.
  • You’ve established a good retirement and financial stability, and you feel confident that it will go the distance. Your hard work is finally paying off – literally.
  • Now that you’re older, you may appreciate going to bed earlier and getting up earlier. You enjoy the peaceful quiet to start your day and wonder about the possibilities.
  • As you get older, your relationships become more valuable. You give the hugs, you say what you mean, and you just love harder.

“Once the kids are out of the house, and no longer under your rule, you start to hear the good stories of their shenanigans!”

  • When you don’t have to go to work anymore, you can travel during the off-season. Less crowds, more leisure, and a more relaxing experience.
  • With age comes wisdom. Remember when you were 16 and you thought you knew everything? Well now you actually do! Well, at least you know better than you used to.
  • Once the kids are out of the house, and no longer under your rule, you start to hear the good stories of their shenanigans! These are my favorite at family gatherings.
  • You are determined to leave some sort of legacy and you’re focused on how to make that happen. Whether it be financial, spiritual, or attitude, you’re dedicated.
  • Lastly, you realize the absolute privilege that it is to grow old. A lot of people don’t make it to the age you are now, or the age that you will be, so you’re thankful for each day.
Getting older doesn't have to have the negative connotations associated with it.
Getting older doesn’t have to have the negative connotations associated with it.

At LTC Consumer we are here to help you protect your retirement, your loved ones, and your legacy. We know that life expectancy is increasing, and long-term care costs are rising. Our team of consumer specialists work with you to realize your goals, work around any health issues, and find a long-term care plan that works for you, your family, and your budget. Spread the love this Valentine’s Day and request your quote for long term care insurance today.
