We want to provide you with options when it comes to learning about long term care insurance:

If you'd like to learn at your own pace without speaking to anyone, click the button below and provide your email address.  We will send you a pre-recorded educational webinar with a great overview of what Long Term Care Insurance is, what is covered and some generic cost estimates.


Receive a pre-recorded, educational LTCI webinar after providing your name and email address.


Find out if you're eligible for LTC Insurance after completing our health questionnaire.

Get a Quote

Connect with a LTC Insurance specialist and get a free quote after filling in your contact information.

If you'd like to learn at your own pace without speaking to anyone, click the button above to watch an Educational Webinar. All you need to provide is your name and email address. We will send you a pre-recorded educational webinar with a great overview of what Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) is, what is covered and some generic cost estimates.

LTCI is underwritten by insurance companies, and premiums are based on your age and health history. It is important to make sure you will qualify based on your health prior to applying. Use our health questionnaire to go through common health questions for LTCI coverage.

If you prefer a more customized approach, fill in your contact information to get a quote and you will be assigned a dedicated Long Term Care Insurance Specialists.  They will help educate you on long term care insurance in a no-pressure environment and provide customized quotes from multiple companies.

LTC Consumer understands the importance of long term care planning for your family’s financial future. Part of our mission is to do the right thing for consumers regardless of whether or not that results in the sale of insurance. When you click “Submit” your information will be sent to one of our dedicated Insurance Specialists to help you. They are there to help however they can by answering questions and providing more information. Our Insurance Specialists only work with Long Term Care products and you will not receive unsolicited calls or emails from any other agent or company. Your privacy and security is important to us and we do not sell your information to any outside third parties.

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See what others have to say about working with our LTCI experts.